

Frequently asked questions

This depends on the product you purchased. Normally you will find in the packaging of each product how much warranty you have and to which it applies.

Still have questions about this? Please contact our customer service department, preferably via E-mail

Not satisfied with a product or some aspect of our service? You can always contact us, preferably via E-mail We ask you for some information and the order number. Within a period of three working days you will receive a message back from us regarding further processing.

  • You can register your return within 14 days of receiving your product
  • After this, you get another 14 days to return your product
  • Please return in original condition and packaging;
  • The cost of returning products shall be done by the buyer. Should an item need to be exchanged due to an error on our part or due to a defect, the costs are  at our expense
  • After 14 days it is no longer possible to return.

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